Oct 14, 2018 | Lee Walton | 915 views
Final Tryout Squads
The following players are asked to come back and participate in a scrimmage
Monday Oct 15, 4:50pm Start at WFCU Grenon...
Please arrive no later than 4:30pm and be ready by 4:40pm
Team assignments posted here and on dressing room door
Team 1
FWD - Sean Argent
FWD - Aidan Campbell
FWD - Ryleigh Ducharme
FWD - Matthew Masse
FWD - Jack McLeod
FWD - Braden Walton
DEF - Matthew Bornais
DEF - Ryan McGregor
DEF - Sydney Kelly
DEF - Murray McIndoe
DEF - David Sleiman
GOAL - Ethan Chadwick-Lessard
Team 2
FWD - Liam Beattie
FWD - Gurnoop Dhaliwal
FWD - Royce Koster
FWD - Kaden Lewis
FWD - Tristan Peltier
FWD - Matteo Setosta
DEF - Patrick Chauvin
DEF - Kylee Larsen
DEF - Jordan Phillips
DEF - Jacob Rodie
DEF - Marc Stamatiadis
GOAL - Mateo Rennert