Peewee Select - 2nd & 3rd Tryout, News, Peewee Select, 2018-2019 (Tecumseh-Shoreline Eagles)

This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 09, 2018 | Lee Walton | 1087 views
Peewee Select - 2nd & 3rd Tryout
We have finalized dates for the remaining tryouts...

All updates are now live on the calendar:

2nd tryout
Saturday October 13
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Tecumseh Arena Rink B (arrive 30 mins prior)

3rd (Final) tryout
Monday October 15
4:50pm - 5:50pm
WFCU Centre - Grenon Rink (arrive 30 mins prior)

All players that attended this past Sunday's tryout are invited to return

All players must be eligible by age and by residence for the Centre as per OMHA Residence

Exception to ‘eligible by residence’ per, OMHA Residence Regulation 3.3, will be granted to players that have participated in a Centre’s House League or Local League programming for a minimum of two (2) consecutive seasons.  These players will be eligible to be rostered on a Roster Select team in that Centre

For those that had previous engagements on the holiday...
Please click the following link and fill out the online form to indicate your intention to tryout:
Peewee Select - Tryout Form

We will post a list of players asked to return for the Monday tryout

Details regarding the Select program can be found here:
Peewee Select Program

Any questions, please contact:
Lee Walton
[email protected]
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