Back at it! We start playoffs February 3rd/6th, News, U18 Midget/Juvenile ('04/'05/'06), 2021-2022 (Tecumseh-Shoreline Eagles)

This League is part of the 2021-2022 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 28, 2022 | Ben Peltenburg | 171 views
Back at it! We start playoffs February 3rd/6th
Time to sharpen the blades from playing outdoor pond hockey through this closed-facility mandate.  As we resume the season we are propelled to our playoff round-robin games. 

Thursday February 3rd - Orange vs Maroon
Sunday February 6th - Green vs White 
Sunday February 6th - Yellow vs Blue

At this point, I do not know if the season will be extended to include some or all of the missed games nor can we predict if we will get shut down again from mandates.  I guess we will enjoy what we have game-by-game for now and see where the season leads us.  Please be sure to read the new covid protocols for players and spectators on the main TSMHA page.