Oct 29, 2020 | joldridge | 754 views
Hi everyone,
We are now a month and half into get our
kids on the ice. We would like to thank everyone for all the work that has gone
on to make this happen. It’s with
everyone’s efforts and cooperation that we have been able to get as far as we
In the recent weeks the health units have visited 4 of the associations in our area to make sure they are following their COVID protocols. We wanted to remind everyone of the following:
1) There can only be a 50 person maximum at each practice and game. We are only allowed one specter per player in. All visitors to the arena must enter through the front doors when they are opened.
2) Parents are not allowed down in the dressing room areas (only coaches and players).
3) Everyone entering the arena must complete an e-waiver. Team officials must have this available to show the health unit if you asked at your event. Some associations have been caught with people in the arena which are not on the list. Contact tracing is very important.
4) Masks must be worn all times except when on the ice.
5) Always practice social distancing 2 m apart. Again, we would like to thank everyone for their cooperation. It’s with everyone's time and due diligence in keeping with our COVID protocols that keep our kids on the ice.
Go Eagles!!!