House League Starts Tomorrow, News (Tecumseh-Shoreline Eagles)

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Sep 25, 2020 | joldridge | 914 views
House League Starts Tomorrow
House league hockey begins tomorrow. By now, you should have been contacted by a coach or convener from your child's division providing you with team information. Schedules for all teams are listed on the website. Below is important information that all TSMHA families will need to know before coming to the arena. 

These policies are guided by the arena procedures and OMHA policies.
Please read through the information carefully. If you have any questions feel free to contact your child's coach, convener or for Covid and safety related questions you may contact:
Joe Oldridge at joeoldridgetsmha@gmail,com

New season highlights are:
Kids must come dressed in all but skates, helmets and gloves to the arena and must be wearing a mask

Only one parent/spectator may enter the arena with each player. Siblings may not accompany this person. Only one person per player is allowed. Spectators must socially distance and wear a mask at all times. No outside food or drink is allowed in the arena.

All players, coaches and spectators must complete the online screening form found at this link on the day of their ice time:


This takes the place of the print waiver found on our website. There are QR codes for parents who forget to sign in ahead of time. Several will be posted at the arena for parents to use. You will sign off on the waiver at the top and select the team (for house league please ensure that you choose HL) that the player is on then time and rink. This information can be found in the calendar on the website. Finally complete the questions and submit. Your child's coach will get an email that the screening is done. A reminder that this must be done for all players, coaches and anyone accompanying the player into the arena.

A coach or designate will use a tracking sheet  to record who has completed the waiver. No one can enter the arena until 15 minutes before ice time and you must leave no more than 10 minutes after your ice time ends. Parents are encouraged to come 20-30 minutes before their ice time to check in with their coaches outside the arena.

Entry is through the front doors and exit is out the side doors (east for Rink B near ball diamonds and west by Powertech for Rink A)Any players, spectators or coaches who arrive late (after the on ice start time) will not be allowed into the arena. Please ensure that all equipment is brought as there may not be time to go home and get it.
