Hockey Starts Tomorrow, News (Tecumseh-Shoreline Eagles)

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Sep 20, 2020 | joldridge | 1050 views
Hockey Starts Tomorrow
With the announcement of the Premier yesterday, many people have wondered if it will impact the start to our season. Our hockey season will proceed as planned and this announcement does not apply to organized sports.

Before stepping on the ice, all participants will have to have a waiver signed. We are asking parents to print off and fill in this waiver. It can be found on our website under Covid documents or accessed here:

Covid Waiver

Anyone entering the arena including participants and their one parent (only one person may accompany each player) will need to complete a self assessment. We will have an online tool in the next couple of days. In the meantime, there is a version in PDF on our website under Covid Documents. You do not need to print this document, just go through it before coming to the arena. If you feel ill, have any of the symptoms listed there or if any of the conditions listed on the form apply, please do not come to the arena.