Return to Play Update, News (Tecumseh-Shoreline Eagles)

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Aug 16, 2020 | joldridge | 1275 views
Return to Play Update
 The Ontario Hockey Federation released their Return to Hockey Stage 3 plans which provide further detail to seasonal structure and game play for the upcoming season. At this time, our Association is developing a comprehensive plan for house league and travel players, safety protocols and costs/budget for the upcoming year.  We anticipate sharing these details with you within the coming weeks. 

Key Highlights of Stage 3
No tryouts – team formation will be based on where players played last season    
No affiliation or integration with other leagues – Players can only play for 1 team, no Select or AP’ing.        
No travel hockey – programming is based on player residency except for the provisions to NRP’s and ATMs.          Travel passport amounts paid will be refunded to anyone who has paid them       
Modified Programming (not traditional 5-on-5).        
No contact hockey  

Summary of Progressions within Stage 3        
We are currently in Stage 3a until August 31st          
As of September 1st we will move in to Stage 3b          

Stage 3b allows for:
Registration to open September 1st
All NRP’s or ATM’s can either register with the same club they played for last season (If Association except NRP’s & ATMs) or return to their home center.
Max of 30 people on the ice, including instructors and referees.         
Programming is skill development based no game play at this stage.

Stage 3c allows for:
Max of 40 people on the ice, including instructors and referees
Nothing changes regarding NRP’s and ATM’s.
League Max is still 50 ·        
Game Play is Modified 3-on-3 or 4-on-4 depending on the age with no physical contact

Stage 3d allows for:
Max of 40 people on the ice including instructors and referees
No changes to the rules for NRP’s and ATM’s.
League max is still 50
5-on-5 play can be introduced with no physical contact
Game Play may be allowed with adjacent Public Health Units

Stage 3e allows for:
Exact same as Stage 3d but with travel expanded to the Local Health Integration Network if allowed.     

While these modifications necessitate a very different look for some players, there are some benefits to the upcoming format. For example, smaller teams of 9 skaters and 1 goalie will allow for more game play for players. Smaller groups will also allow for greater attention during practices and development. The OHF has clearly indicated that this will be a year with a focus on development. Our association is making every effort to ensure that our participants have a fun and safe experience. In the upcoming weeks, TSMHA will submit their modified plan to the OMHA for approval and submit our safety plan and programming guidelines for approval so our season can begin.