Reminder - Travel Tryouts begin this weekend, News (Tecumseh-Shoreline Eagles)

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Apr 29, 2019 | Lee Walton | 1897 views
Reminder - Travel Tryouts begin this weekend
In order to participate in tryouts, you must be registered in TSMHA or have your signed NRP card, and have purchased the travel passport...

Click the link below to see a detailed tryout schedule, including exhibition games
AA Tryout Schedule

You MUST be registered via Hockey Canada Registration (HCR) - be sure to purchase the travel passport (see link below)
Returning Player Registration (HCR Hockey Canada Registration Link)
You will not be permitted on the ice if you are not registered!

Players wishing to tryout for our AA teams and are not within the TSMHA boundary are required to get their Non Resident Player (NRP) cards.  They can be obtained from your local centre.

Any questions or concerns, please contact:

Susan Sennett
Registrar - TSMHA
[email protected]

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