Player Baseline Testing and Post-Concussion Testing, News (Tecumseh-Shoreline Eagles)

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Sep 26, 2017 | Lee Walton | 942 views
Player Baseline Testing and Post-Concussion Testing
TSMHA has partnered with Dr. Mark Dubreuil (hockey parent and local Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine) to provide Players access to baseline and post-concussion testing.

Testing will be available for children aged 12 and over and is voluntary, however we strongly encourage your participation.  The test will provide a “baseline” reading of the child’s brain functioning.  Should a child experience a concussion during his or her hockey season, this tool will be of use to parents and coaches to help demonstrate readiness to return to play. There is no cost for this testing which will be taking place Saturday September 30 and Sunday October 1 from 1pm-3pm at Tecumseh Arena.
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