Source For Sports - Apparel Order Opportunity, News (Tecumseh-Shoreline Eagles)

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Sep 12, 2017 | Lee Walton | 922 views
Source For Sports - Apparel Order Opportunity
Our friends at Belle River Source For Sports bring to you the Tecumseh Eagles Apparel store

Open for a limited time only!

Now is your chance to secure some of these items seen around the rink - don't pass up on this opportunity.  Our personal website is live until Sept 17th (Store closes at midnight on the 17th)

There is limited stock of hats, dri-fit shirts and CCM hoodies at Belle River Source for Sports on the shelf.

This link allows you to order and pay directly! We will not be able to order single orders over the phone from managers or parents.  Once the store closes people can expect the orders in early October.

We plan on opening this store one final time again in November, set for a December delivery.
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