Aug 11, 2015 | admin | 3157 views
TSMHA Concussion Protocol and new Partnership for Concussion Testing
TSMHA is concerned about your child’s safety and well-being. There were TEN concussions within our organization last year…. that we know about. TSMHA wants to ensure we are doing more to educate and support our association members regarding this important issue.
Having a concussion does not mean “Take a shift or a day off”. There are signs and symptoms that can happen immediately or shortly after. These can last for days, weeks or even months. Concussions are not something that should be taken lightly. Every individual is different and will affect every individual differently.
As knowledge and education of concussion symptoms and protocols have improved significantly over the last few years, TSMHA feels it is important to ensure this issue is a priority and we will continue to raise awareness and facilitate education by providing direction and information for association members.
Effective immediately, TSMHA implementing a plan for this coming season:
Concussion Protocol/Policy
TSMHA will be developing a Concussion Protocol/Policy which expands upon and exceeds Hockey Canada guidelines and speaks specifically to when a child can return to play. The purpose of the Protocol is to provide guidance to members and the coaching staff of TSMHA about the proper procedures in managing concussions, and outlines the TSMHA policy for return to play protocols for concussed players.
The Concussion Protocol/Policy will be provided to TSMHA coaches shortly and further details will be forthcoming to all parents. As per the policy, only a Doctor can provide the final clearance that the child is ready to return to play. TSMHA is implementing this policy and protocols to help educate and guide coaches, players and parents through the process to help ensure a safe return to play for your child.
Player Baseline Testing and Post-Concussion Testing
TSMHA has partnered with Dr. Mark Dubreuil (hockey parent and local Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine) to provide Players access to baseline and post-concussion testing.
Testing will be available for children aged 12 and over and is voluntary, however we strongly encourage your participation. The test will provide a “baseline” reading of the child’s brain functioning. Should a child experience a concussion during his or her hockey season, this tool will be of use to parents and coaches to help demonstrate readiness to return to play. There is no cost for this testing and it can be done through any home computer with a mouse.
More information will available soon on the testing process and timelines.